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Minutes, June 8, 2006
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, June 8, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Conservation Commission was held on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in Salem City Hall Annex, room 313, 120 Washington Street.

Those present were:  Kevin Cornacchio, Kevin Carr, David Pabich, Keith Glidden, and Michael Blier. Also present was Frank Taormina, Conservation Administrator and Eileen Sacco, Clerk

Members absent: Joe Furnari

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Salem Conservation Commission meeting held on May 25, 2006 were presented for approval.  Keith Glidden moved approval, seconded David Pabich and approved (5-0).

Continuation of Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Salem State College – Proposed Construction of a new NCAA Baseball Field on the GTE/Sylvania Glass Landfill Cap and the Existing Baseball Field (Jackman Field) – 71 Loring Avenue

The Commission reviewed the proposals for the peer review of the project.  The companies that responded to the Request for Quotations (RFQ) were Camp, Dresser, and McKee (CDM) and Tetra Tech EC, Inc.  Frank Taormina noted that there is a big disparity between the two estimates. Frank explained that Tetra Tech is a national company and he verified with them that the price on the proposal of $2,750.00 is correct.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Keith Glidden to award the contract for the peer review of the Salem State College Baseball Field Engineering plans to Tetra Tech, Seconded by David Pabich and approved (5-0)

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  There was no one present who wished to comment on the matter.

Frank Taormina explained that next steps to the commission and to the college and recommended that the public hearing be continued until the peer review has been completed and that the hired consultants would report their findings at the July 13th Meeting.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by David Pabich to continue the public hearing to July 13, 2006, seconded by Kevin Carr and approved (6-0).

Continuation of Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 2 Cedarview Street – Karen Venezia – Discussion on the Construction of a Stone Retaining Wall within a Riverfront Area

Kevin Cornacchio read a letter from the applicant requesting that the matter be continued to June 22, 2006.  Keith Glidden moved to continue the public hearing for 2 Cedarview Street – Karen Venezia to June 22, 2006, seconded by David Pabich and approved (6-0).

Public Hearing- Notice of Intent – Salem State College – Harrison Road – Proposed Parking Lot Drainage Improvements at the Harrington Hall Parking Area.  

Rick Gorman addressed the Commission and noted that a site walk was held and as a result they have submitted a revised plan.  He reviewed the revised plans and noted that they are adding drainage and will be extending the guard rail and extending the rip rap replication up further.

David Pabich expressed concern about the eroded bank and suggested that the remove the accumulated rip rap and replace it.  Mr. Gorman explained the plans and noted that they would be left with a small area that sheets off the back of the property.  He also noted that they would look at the outfall pipe and maintain it if needed.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.

James Harrington addressed the Commission and asked where the roof runoff from the dorms would go.  Mr. Gorman explained the drainage plans to him.

David Pabich noted that on the site visit he noticed that the roof leaders go into the ground.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by David Pabich to close the public hearing, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (5-0)

David Pabich moved to issue and Order of Conditions for Salem State College – Harrison Road – Proposed Parking Lot Drainage Improvements at the Harrington Hall Parking Area, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (5-0)

Continuation of Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Pasquanna Developers, Inc. – 31 Collins Terrace, Lynn, MA. – Activities Associated with the Implementation of a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan within the buffer zone to a coastal bank and Riverfront Area at 18 Thorndike Street

Kevin Cornacchio read a letter from Joe Orzel requesting that the matter be continued to June 22, 2006.  David Pabich moved to continue the public hearing to June 22, 2006,s seconded by Kevin Carr and approved (5-0).

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Mario Scire – Proposed Construction of a Driveway, Utilities, and Single Family Home at 18 Freeman Road

Atty. Jack Keilty addressed the Commission and noted that the Commission was to have visited the site individually and asked if the members had any questions.  He also noted that they have no objection to the same Order of Conditions that was previously issued and they would accept a condition that the houses have a sprinkler system.  

Kevin Cornacchio asked if the plan was different from the original.  Chris Mello noted that they have added a retaining wall to the back of the driveway.

Kevin Cornacchio asked if the flags on the site are true to the wetland.  Chris Mello noted that Mary Rimmer flagged the site in March of 2006.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that he saw a lot of water on the site.  Chris Mello explained that it is usually pretty dry and noted that we have had a lot of rain in the past few weeks.

Kevin Cornacchio asked if they are planning on a full basement.  Chris Mello stated that they will do a slab at the garage level and build a raised ranch.

Frank Taormina asked about the grading in the rear of the site.  Chris Mello stated that they would have a 10-foot pour walk out from the second floor.

David Pabich noted that there is a stockpile in the front of the property.  Chris Mello stated that they will remove that to build the replication area and will loam and seed it when it is completed.  David Pabich suggested that they use a conservation mix of seed.

David Pabich also questioned how the water drains from the street.  Chris Mello stated that the water drains out to Highland Avenue.

Frank Taormina asked if the crossing of the intermittent stream met the Stream Crossing Standards set by the US Army Corps.  Chris Mello explained that the culvert has been sized to meet bankfull width and other requirements set by the Stream Crossing Standards.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  There was no one present who wished to comment on the matter.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matte a motion was made by Keith Glidden to close the public hearing, seconded  by Kevin Carr and approved (5-0).

Keith Glidden moved to issue an Order of Conditions with Special Conditons for 18 Freeman Road, seconded by David Pabich and approved (5-0)

Special Conditions:

When the debris pile is moved from the site the area shall be planted with a conservation mix of seed.

Continuation of Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – YMCA of the North Shore – Proposed Construction of a New YMCA Facility and Associated Appurtenances and a Proposed Subdivision Roadway for Future House Lots, Portions of Which are in a Buffer Zone to an Inland Bank, off Leggs Hill Road

Atty. George Atkins addressed the Commission and explained that the Commission held a site visit on the same night that they met with the Planning Board.  He explained that the Fire Department wants a road at the end of the cul-de-sac to the building.  He noted that they have redesigned the plan and provided new drainage calculations.

Atty. Atkins also explained that some trees are a concern relative to the location of the retaining wall.

Atty. Atkins also noted that he has prepared a Conservation Restriction for the site that must be approved by the Conservation Commission and the City Council.

Atty. Atkins reviewed the changes to the plans.  He noted that the plans now include an 18 foot wide fire access lane which will increase the impervious surface on the site by 8,000 s.f.  He reviewed the calculations and the revised plans.

Kevin Cornacchio asked of the access road would be gated or open.  Atty. Atkins stated that it would be gated in one location and signage would be placed at the other end.  Atty. Atkins stated that the fire department is basing the decision on requiring the road on policy and not regulations.

Michael Blier asked if they recalculated the additional volume and the velocity of the slope.  Mr. Nowak explained that the drainage pattern.   

Mr. Varrell also noted that the Commission asked them to look at changing the location of the outfall pipe and noted that it is not feasible and they are proposing to build and extension with a level spreader and explained the location and the area on the plan.  He noted that it would be easier to access for maintenance reasons as well.

David Pabich asked if they would have a utility easement.  Mr. Varrell stated that they would within the setbacks.

Matt Varrell explained the locations of the trees in the eastern end of the site closer to Leggs Hill Road.  He noted that they pulled the grading back and they will have no impact on the Aspen and reviewed the location of the retaining wall.

Frank Taormina asked about the outfall in the access road.  Mr. Verrell explained that it will be treated and go through a storm septor. The water discharged from that outlet pipe comes from the YMCA Parking lot.

David Pabich suggested that it would make sense to introduce a third catch basin to pick up the flow before it goes to the cul-de-sac.  Mr. Verrell stated that there is not a tremendous amount of water and further noted that they originally had a basin in that location and the city engineer asked them to take it out.  He also noted that if the Commission feels the need for a catch basin in that area it is not a problem for them.

Atty. Atkins addressed the Commission and noted that the access road that the fire department is requesting is adding $150,000 to the price of the project.

David Pabich explained that he is concerned about defects in sidewalks or curbing and stated that if the flow does not make it back to the basins all that will be stopping the water is the curbs and sidewalk.  He stated that he would like to see a better attempt made to get the water to the basins. Mr. Verrell stated that it is a small area and they will probably pick up about 6,000-8,000 cubic feet of water.  He suggested that they install double catch basins to pick up more water.

Atty. Atkins stated that if the double catch basins would satisfy the concern they would agree to that.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  

Robert Bouchard addressed the Commission and expressed his concern about the catch basins.  He stated that he thought that the road would be handling too much water and he is also concerned about the sewer backing up.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Kevin Carr to close the public hearing, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (5-0)

Keith Glidden moved to issue an Order of Conditions with Special Conditions, seconded by Kevin Carr and approved (5-0).

Special Conditions:

Double catch basins shall be installed in place of the catch basins in the cul-de-sac.
Wetlands Restoration mat shall be installed over the embankment restoration areas.
Wetlands markers shall be placed on the site
Conservation Restriction needs signature of chairman

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Osborne Hills Realty Trust – Proposed Construction of a Roadway, Utilities and Stormwater Management Facilities for a 129 Lot Subdivision off Marlborough Road

Jim McDowell addressed the Commission and gave them some information on prefabricated bridge structures for them to review.  He noted that the distributor has offered to attend a meeting to answer questions.

Mr. McDowell asked if the Commission has any questions on the project.  

Kevin Cornacchio asked if the utilities would be underground.  Mr. McDowell noted that all utilities are underground.

Kevin Cornacchio asked who would maintain the footbridges and trails.  Bill Luster explained that they have had discussions with the Planning Department about deeding them to the city o f Salem.  He explained that the city planner hopes that the land will be deeded to the city and the developer would like to,  He also noted that Epsilon is proposing some self maintaining trails for the site that are without pavement.

David Pabich stated that he feels that they will suffer a fair amount of loss of vegetation and recommended additional replication since they will have the tools in place for the replication.

Michael Blier stated that in general it seems like a smart plan.  Kevin Carr agreed noting that he thinks it is a well thought out plan.

Chris Mello explained that they will be building the site in phases and explained the locations on the plan.  He also suggested that they would apply for partial certificates of compliance as they go along and that would be a cleaner way to keep track of it.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  There was no one present who wished to comment on this matter.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Kevin Carr to continue the public hearing to June 22, 2006, seconded by David Pabich and approved (6-0).  

Public Hearing Notice of Intent – 40 Clark Street - George Fialho

Scott Patrowicz addressed the Commission and explained that the applicant is proposing slope stabilization within a buffer zone to a BVW.  He explained the location of the house and reviewed the plans.  He noted that there is a wet area in the back of the property.  He explained that the owner noticed that the slope is falling off the back of the yard.  He also explained that his client was unaware of the wetlands protection act and that he brought in fill to try to stabilize the slope.  He explained that Frank Taormina went out there prior to issuing an Enforcement Order and required the Fialho’s to installed hay bales and silt fencing at the toe of the slope.  He also noted that they are keeping an eye on the site and so far there is no erosion into the wetland.

Mr. Patrowicz explained that his client proposes to create a permanent slope and clean up the area.  He noted that they have arrested the erosion and they are proposing to transition the gully for a softer transition.

Mr. Patrowicz also noted that the applicant has talked to his neighbors and they do not have a problem with the work being done.  He also noted that they have signed the plan that they are in agreement.  He reviewed the plan and noted that the Commission will see clearly what the site is at a site visit.  Frank Taormina agreed noting it is obvious where the wetland is.

Mr. Patrowicz noted that DEP submitted comments on this project and stated that the slope must be 3:1 instead of the proposed 2:1, and he would need to rework the slope to achieve that ratio.

Kevin Cornacchio opened the hearing up for public comment at this time.  There was no one present who wished to comment on this matter.

Kevin Cornacchio suggested that the Commission visit the site before the next meeting on June 22, 2006.  The Commission will visit the site at 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2006.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Keith Glidden to continue the public hearing to June 22, 2006, seconded by Kevin Carr and approved (5-0).

Old / New Business

7 Laurier Road – Tremblay

Frank Taormina updated the Commission on the condition at 7 Laurier Road and noted that Mr. Tremblay has hired a wetland specialist and will be filing to Amend his Order of Conditions for the patio and deck and will be submitting a Planting and Replication Plan soon for the illegal filling of wetlands.

31 Ravenna Avenue

Frank Taormina informed the Commission that he gave the applicant until June 19, 2006 to file or fines will be imposed.  Frank agreed to call the residents at week prior to the deadline and remind them of the situation.


There being no further business to come before the Commission this evening a motion was made by David Pabich to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kevin Carr and approved (6-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Conservation Commission